Thank you for considering donating to Let's Teach. Let's Teach depends upon generous donations from its friends, clients, and other charitable foundations to continue to fulfill its mission. We hope to extend our programs in many more areas in years to come with a goal of serving more than 10,000 youth per year. Let's Teach typically has one gala event per year as its major fundraising effort. We welcome your donations throughout the year. You may donate conveniently online below.
Checks can be also be made out to:
479 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101
Attention: Accounting Department
All donors will receive a letter of acknowledgement for IRS purposes.
A donation quantity of your choice. It can be any amount you choose and will go to help support LET'S TEACH programs keep supplying under-served youth lessons on the court.
Your monthly donation ensures that children within our programs who are struggling academically get private tutoring from Caltech, a total of 4 hours for each student per-week in the needed subjects. This assistance creates the real possibility of a college education. Your donation creates a bright future that was previously unimaginable for these children!
Through your support, under-privileged children will be able to experience the joy of tennis as well as the physical, mental and social benefits tennis offers. Your recurring donation provides weekly clinics or seasonal camp activities for 10 children throughout the year.
Tennis can be an expensive game. Thanks to your monthly support we can provide kids with the equipment they need to enjoy this great sport. Your contribution provides racquets and court equipment for weekly and seasonal camp classes.
60% – 90% of families in the Pasadena Unified School District are economically disadvantaged. Many of the children in our programs qualify for reduced or free school lunches. Your recurring donation provides scholarships for our most economically challenged kids by sponsoring them into our programs.